Why GreetMore?

Picking a domain name can get tricky. If you wear a lot of hats, it can be especially tricky to pick a domain name that represents in as few words as possible what you are all about, especially since so many of the best short domain names are now taken or thousands of dollars.

So why did I ultimately end up with the name “Greet More”? I found that there are a few good applications for these two words.

I want to see Christians personally and corporately grow in their effort to greet more people into their church doors. People of every class, race, and worldview ought to be entering our doors each week to hear the truth from God’s word, and there is hardly a better place to see them transformed by God’s Spirit into new people. Online outreach is just one means of helping that come to pass, but it’s one I’ve been gifted with knowing a thing or two about, and so I would like to share that knowledge as much as I can. Also, it is arguably the outreach means that has the greatest return on investment and is the most intricately trackable to determine the ROI.

I want to see Christians greet more kingdom work into their lives. This may make some stomaches turn. So many of us are already feeling so overwhelmed. What more is this blogger going to add onto my to do list? Before you click the close window button, let me tell you that I know how that feels. What I have trouble reconciling however is the current American church with the volume of collective effort to spread the gospel in the days of the early church and the fruits that followed. I’m not concerned about numbers of baptisms. God gives the increase, and the fruits of our success are contingent on that alone. But does the American Church (with a capital C) really have a biblical level of evangelistic zeal? I would argue that we are far from it. So how do we “greet more” into our lives so that the lost souls surrounding us can take a higher priority in our lives? I think the only option for some is to restructure our priorities. If you’re already not getting enough sleep, or your personal devotional time is suffering, maybe its time to reconsider the trajectory of your daily life. That is a tall order, but what is your alternative?

I must address those whose burdens are so much heavier than the ones I carry. I haven’t forgotten you. Maybe your current crosses preclude you from being your church’s foremost evangelist. Only you can search your heart and determine what God has made possible for you to do. If you are excited to start a more robust online outreach effort at your church, don’t forget about these people. In your zeal to see progress, you could certainly hurt the feelings of those with heavy burdens you maybe even don’t know about.

In the parable of the talents, getting the opportunity to “greet more” was contingent on faithfulness with what had already been given. Sanctification and growth in Christian leadership happens when we are faithful to what God has put us in charge of already. But is everything we’re busy with really God given, or are we distracted by other things that may be good but are not essential? If we aren’t prepared to sacrifice those things to give more of our time to what is essential, like evangelism, are those “good” things better described as idols? We must make a priority list of what we’ve been given, and make a wise calculated biblical decision as to where the great commission fits in that list. We pray for revival, but I believe that only after we give ourselves a brutally honest self inventory can we be used of God to bring that revival to pass. When we pray for revival, we ought to include in that prayer an earnest plea that God would shed light on what we need to do when that prayer is over to demonstrate our faith in the God who answers prayer.

One last thought on the evangelistic work of a church. Look at your own congregation. There is a concept called the “Pareto principle” (also known as the 80/20 rule, the law of the vital few, or the principle of factor sparsity). The short definition of this principle is that 80% of the effects derive from 20% of the causes. Many in church and business leadership refer this model as applying to their people, in that 20% of the congregation or business are accomplishing 80% of what is accomplished. I believe the church was not intended to look like this. That is certainly not the picture painted of the early church. It is certainly not what we see in today’s persecuted church. Do we need to become persecuted to turn the tide here?

This is the core of my message here on this blog. Everything, from technical tutorials on how to hack the search results to up your church’s visibility, to reflections on God’s word, is all directed to this aim: that as we greet more of God’s work into our lives, our pews would greet more visitors.


Written by

Andrew Gruswitz

9 Posts

Hello, I'm Andrew Gruswitz. My passion is to see my dear brothers and sisters of NAPARC churches to grow in their online outreach efforts. Check back at this website for updates in the world of church website design, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for church visibility in web search results, and another passion of mine - web safety for families and online accountability and integrity for young adults and adults. Shoot me an email if you have any questions or concerns about any of the above.
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