Online Outreach Intro

Online outreach is an area of evangelism and community involvement of a church that is often either utterly neglected, or done without the proper balance of biblical wisdom or general tact. I want this space to be a blessing to those who are looking for help in getting more visitors at their church without forgetting that this is only one element of outreach, and we ought to be prayerful and sober minded in the way we approach any outreach.

I hope to give free advice and information to churches on this website, but let me emphasize that I am here to help in any way possible to start or grow your team in the online outreach effort. In the mean time, here are some starting to dos. If you haven’t done them yet, you may seriously actually find that you are getting more visitors within a week or two from doing them. SEO is a super complex field though. No promises. Any effort is a good effort!

  • Get yourself a Google My Business Listing.
  • Fill out that listing with as much info, pictures, and video as you can.
  • Get someone to review that business listing by searching for you on Google Maps.
  • Make sure your website is responsive (mobile-friendly) and has a Google map with a pin for your church location.
  • If you have done this much, comment below, and I’ll give you some more tasks! 🙂